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A baron's responsibilities were to provide support for the peasants in which they let land out too.

Also, they had Feudal obligations to their King - including providing knights for battle.

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12y ago

Baron is the lowest peerage rank ( Nobility) above a mere Knight or Sir. Maybe because of the associations with the German (Red Baron) the British do not like to use the title- at least in direct address. Noblemen of Baronial rank are frequently styled Lord so-and-so in direct conversation, Baron is used after their names, like Esquire. From the Ducal state down- Nobiliary ranks are- Duke, Marquis, Viscount, Baron! The memory jogger is Do Men visit Bayonne? One can substitute any B-class city such as Brooklyn or Boston.

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15y ago

His responsibilities were first to his king and next to the people on his estates. The king required the people of their courts to perform certain duties as well as serve in the military. If they showed their loyalty to the king through these duties they could gain more titles, lands, and good marriages for their children/family members. If they didn't they could loose everything in a stroke of a pen. The nobility also had the duty to make sure the people on their estates were protected and that the crops were produced because a percentage went to the king and the church. They also sat as judge in cases of dispute or crimes and handed down sentences.

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