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the Syrian regime cracked down demonstrations, using live ammunition, and brutal repression against peaceful, unarmed protesters which lift the country in violation circle.

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Q: What does the government of Syria do on the uprising in Syria?
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When did Islamic uprising in Syria happen?

Islamic uprising in Syria happened in 1978.

Why is the uprising happening in Syria?

It's revolution against dictator Bashar Assad and his regime. Assad family is rulling Syria from 1970, they destroy everything in Syria,steal everything and did so many massacres in Syria..

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Syria is a single party Presidential Republic.

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The Cause of the current Syrian Uprising is that protests were held in Syria to demonstrate a change of law that would effect socio-economics and would also impact human rights.

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Also known as the Syrian Uprising is an ongoing armed conflict taking place in Syria. The unrest began in the early spring of 2011 within the context of Arab Spring protests, with nationwide protests against President Bashar al-Assad's government, whose forces responded with violent crackdowns.

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Syria is a republic under an authoritarian military-dominated regime.

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