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Q: What does Stephen Harper stand for in Canada?
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Related questions

Who is Stephen Harper in the government?

Stephen Harper is the Prime Minister of Canada.

Is Stephen Harper the prime minister of Canada?

Currently, as of 2011, Stephen Harper is the prime minister of Canada.

Is Stephen Harper the 35th Prime Minister of Canada?

No, Stephen Harper is the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada.

What country is Stephen Harper in?


When has Stephen Harper been the Prime Minister of Canada?

Stephen Harper has been the Prime Minister of Canada from 2006 February 6 to the present.

What is Stephen Harper best for?

Stephen Harper is best known for being the current prime minister of Canada.

Who runs the government in Canada?

Stephen Harper

Who does Stephen Harper represent?

The people of Canada.

What is Stephen Harper's favourite country?


Who is the head of the government in Canada?

Stephen Harper

How many laws did Stephen Harper the prime minister of the Canada made?

Stephen Harper has not made any laws. The Parliament of Canada makes law.

How has Stephen Harper made an Impact on Canada?

stephen harper has helped candians by reducing tax from 7% to 5%