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Most Brits call their dad, daddy , papa, daddums

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Q: What does Prince William call Queen Elizabeth?
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Although Prince William calls the queen "granny," his wife will most likely call her "Your Majesty" or "Ma'am."

What nickname did the Queen Mother call Elizabeth?

When Elizabeth II was a small girl, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother called her 'Lillibet'.

Who will take over the monarchy after Queen Elizabeth?

The heir to the throne is Prince Charles, the Price of Wales. He intends to be known as George VII.

What name did Prince William call himself at University?

Prince Charming

Did Elizabeth have children?

No elizabeth did not have children she was what some people call her 'The Virgin Queen'

Why did they call Virginia-Virginia?

It comes from Queen Elizabeth I, the "virgin" queen, of England.

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Queen Victoria married prince Albert.

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What do you call the parents of the queen?

The parents of Queen Elizabeth II were King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (formerly Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon). When the King passed away, his daughter succeeded to the throne and became Elizabeth II in 1952. Her mother then stepped aside and became the Queen Mother. (Elizabeth I reigned in the 17th Century - The Queen Mother was NOT Elizabeth I.)

What did some people call Queen Elizabeth as a child?


What did the Royal Family call Prince William when he was a child?
