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the other countries owe weapons from the US

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Q: What do other countries owe the US?
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How much money is owed to the us from other foreign countries?

It is estimated to be around 14 trillion dollars

How many countries does the us owe many to?

a lot

Can child support agencies obtain payment from someone living in Mexico?

they do anywhere as long as your making money and it's being taxed they can find you in china and make you pay if you owe you owe * No. US civil law does not apply in other countries.

What countries did Mexico owe money?

The countries that Mexico owed money to are France, Spain, USA, and England.This is not the answer to "Why did Mexico borrow money from other countries" :/

Should the US police other countries?

no Do the people in those other countries want us there?

What countries owe each other money?

International trade is so massive and complex that every country owes at least one other country money. Some countries (like America) owe more to other countries than others (China owes very little to other countries due to their massive amount of exports). The best way to figure this out is to look at the balance of trade for each country and then find a breakdown of who that country imports and exports to.

What can the US and other countries do to help Haiti?

the us created the we are the world song and i don't no what other countries did

How much does America owe china?

The US owes over $16 trillion to other countries. India is owed about $53.9 billion. China is owed the most at $1,8 trillion.

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There are no other countries in the US.

Does the pacific ocean border three other countries beside the US?

Yes, the Pacific Ocean does border 3 other countries other than the US

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it helps us get to other countries!

What countries did the US and other countries recently bomb?

Afghanistan and Iraq.