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Q: What did marx argue that all wealth is produced by?
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How did marx argue that all wealth is produced-?

Marx argued that all wealth is produced through labor. He believed that labor is the source of value in society and that the capitalist system exploits labor to generate profits for the ruling class. Marx's labor theory of value asserts that the value of a commodity is determined by the amount of socially necessary labor time required to produce it.

Marx argued that all wealth is produced by what?


Describes the work of Karl Marx?

he argued that all wealth is produced by labor

Marx argued that all wealth is produced by?

Marx argued that all wealth is produced by labor, and that the value of goods and services is determined by the amount of socially necessary labor time required for their production.

Which of these was a belief of Karl Marx?

All Wealth is produced by labor, and the other factors of production are either passive or also the result of labor

Which social institution did Karl Marx argue dominated all the others?


What happens to the wealth and the wealthy in the system Marx described?

All wealth and land reverts to the state. Everyone is equal and shares.

What happens to wealth and the wealthy in the system Marx described?

All wealth and land reverts to the state. Everyone is equal and shares.

What happens to wealth and the wealthy in the system Marx describes?

All wealth and land reverts to the state. Everyone is equal and shares.

What happens to wealth and the wealthy in the systems Karl Marx described?

In Karl Marx's system, wealth and power become concentrated among a small wealthy elite while the majority of people experience economic exploitation and struggle. Marx believed that capitalism would inevitably lead to class conflict as the working class (proletariat) would rise up against the wealthy owners of the means of production (bourgeoisie) to create a classless society.

What are characteristics of wealth?

Wealth is material, we will not consider human skill and mental ability as wealth.It produced by labor. If we consider land have all the characteristics of except one that it is not produced by labor.Capability to satisfy human desire. For instance money is not wealth but a medium of exchangeWealth must have Exchange value

Karl Marx developed a system of equality called?

Karl Marx developed a system of equality called communism, which advocates for the abolition of private property and the establishment of a classless society where wealth and resources are shared equally among all members.