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Anne Boleyn was described as being atractive though not possesing any beauty. One must first understand what beauty meant back then-having blue eyes,rosy skin e.t.c She had dark hair which could possibly have been either black or brown (judging from portraits) She also had 'milk-white skin' and eyes that were 'black and beautiful'. Overall having dark hair and pale skin would have given her a dramatic allure. There have been in adition a number of myths that she had a mole around her neck and a sixth finger e.t.c but there is no evidence that supports this-Henry VIII would not have been drawn to her had she had those deformaties. There have been a number of men at court that were in-love with her including the renaisance poet Thomas Wyatt who decribed her as 'this new beauty' as she had already had a dramatic affect of what people thought of beauty. Anne Boleyn I believe was very beautiful. With very long, rich and glossy jet black hair, and dark vivacious large brown almond alluring shaped eyes, but because her eyes and hair were so dark, it gave a dark look to her complexion, which was pale and she was also darkly seductive, for she had learnt the art of seduction at the royal Court of France. And learnt to understand several languages fluently. Although nowhere near as beautiful as the goddesses: Her sister, Mary Boleyn or Bessie Blount, both former mistresses of King Henry VIII. Also there is no chance that Anne was deformed, King Henry dismissed a French princess for having a discoloured finger nail, so he was hardly going to marry a woman, with a large mole on her neck, projecting front teeth and six fingers on her right hand, and would she be personally acquainted to be maid of honour to the Archduchess Margaret of Austria, in the Court of the Netherlands, and then lady in waiting to Princess Mary, Queen Consort of France, at the royal Court of France, then lady in waiting to Queen Claude of France, then a admired companion to Duchess Marguerite of Navarre, the beloved Protestant sister of King François I of France, as well as take part and also device masques to catch the eye of the King and then be lady in waiting to Queen Catherine Consort of England, a Princess of Castile and Aragon. And keep King Henry infatuated and inflamed for seven long years. So that is why I think she is very beautiful and not deformed. No court especially, the courts of France, the Netherlands and England would accept a deformed woman into their court.

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Aliza Upton

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2y ago
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15y ago

Anne Boleyn was described as being atractive though not possesing any beauty. One must first understand what beauty meant back then-having blue eyes,rosy skin e.t.c She had dark hair which could possibly have been either black or brown (judging from portraits) She also had 'milk-white skin' and eyes that were 'black and beautiful'. Overall having dark hair and pale skin would have given her a dramatic allure. There have been in adition a number of myths that she had a mole around her neck and a sixth finger e.t.c but there is no evidence that supports this-Henry VIII would not have been drawn to her had she had those deformaties. There have been a number of men at court that were in-love with her including the renaisance poet Thomas Wyatt who decribed her as 'this new beauty' as she had already had a dramatic affect of what people thought of beauty. Anne Boleyn I believe was very beautiful. With very long, rich and glossy jet black hair, and dark vivacious large brown almond alluring shaped eyes, but because her eyes and hair were so dark, it gave a dark look to her complexion, which was pale and she was also darkly seductive, for she had learnt the art of seduction at the royal Court of France. And learnt to understand several languages fluently. Although nowhere near as beautiful as the goddesses: Her sister, Mary Boleyn or Bessie Blount, both former mistresses of King Henry VIII. Also there is no chance that Anne was deformed, King Henry dismissed a French princess for having a discoloured finger nail, so he was hardly going to marry a woman, with a large mole on her neck, projecting front teeth and six fingers on her right hand, and would she be personally acquainted to be maid of honour to the Archduchess Margaret of Austria, in the Court of the Netherlands, and then lady in waiting to Princess Mary, Queen Consort of France, at the royal Court of France, then lady in waiting to Queen Claude of France, then a admired companion to Duchess Marguerite of Navarre, the beloved Protestant sister of King François I of France, as well as take part and also device masques to catch the eye of the King and then be lady in waiting to Queen Catherine Consort of England, a Princess of Castile and Aragon. And keep King Henry infatuated and inflamed for seven long years. So that is why I think she is very beautiful and not deformed. No court especially, the courts of France, the Netherlands and England would accept a deformed woman into their court.

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12y ago

Anne Boleyn would have been brought up together with her her brother George and her sister Mary by members of the Boleyn household and a French governess in the courtyside at Hever Castle in Kent while their parents were away at the English Court. Anne had black hair and dark brown eyes and she had been a healthy child. A couple of the the first lessons she would have learned were for her to wash her hands before and after a meal and to have table manners when it came to her eating her meals and to keep her gowns clean. During her childhood her father Thomas Boleyn came to see how clever and diligent she was and did his best to give her the best education he could. Anne was given an excellent academic education in arithmetic, the genealogy of her family, history, reading, and writing along with instruction in etiquette, feminine accomplishments such as dancing, music, needlework, and singing, good manners, how to carry herself with dignity and grace, and "maidenly, obedient, and proper behavior." She excelled at playing several Musical Instruments including the blockflute, the harp, the lute, and the virginals. From her mother's guidance, Anne would have been an expert at household management. She would have learned games such as cards, Chess, and dice, how to gamble, and outdoor pursuits such as Archery, falconry, horseback riding, and hunting.

Like her sister Mary, Anne would have known that she was expected by her family to make herself an advantageous marriage and bear her future husband children. It was their duties to help ensure the advancement and prosperity of their families and marriage was a good way for them to do it. Her parents Thomas and Elizabeth Boleyn may have felt that with her allure, her beauty, her brilliance, her charm, her drive, her elegance, her good sense of humor, her grace, and her vivacity that Anne would not disappoint them by failing to attract herself the right kind of husband that they had wanted for her to have.

Most of the time Anne would be busy with her dolls, in constant lessons or dress fittings, or playing childhood games with George and Mary on the manor grounds. Her parents would have been distant figures in her life due to their lives at the English Court and she would rarely have seen them apart from an occassional visit from them to Hever Castle to see their three children. It is possible that Anne may have had friendships with neighboring families around Hever Castle in Kent such as with Sir Thomas Wyatt and his sisters Margaret and Mary Wyatt.

Anne's childhood would have come to an end in 1513 when her father Thomas Boleyn sent her to become a refined and sophisticated young lady and complete her education as a maid-of-honor in the court of Maragret of Austria in the Netherlands.

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12y ago

Anne was the daughter of Thomas Boleyn, later Earl of Wiltshire and Ormonde, and Elizabeth Howard, whose brother (Anne's uncle) was the Duke of Norfolk. Anne's parents died within a couple of years of her execution in 1536.

Anne had a brother, George, later Viscount Rochford, who married Jane Parker, the daughter of Lord Morley. George was executed alongside Anne in 1536, accused of incest with her, and plotting against the king which was treason. Jane was executed in 1543 for aiding and abetting Henry VIII's fifth wife, Katherine Howard, in committing adultery with Thomas Culpeper.

Anne also had a sister, Mary, who was the mistress of King Francis I of France, then Henry VIII of England, which caused an impediment to Anne's marriage to Henry. Mary first married William Carey, with whom she had two children, Katherine and Henry. It is debated whether these two were actually Henry VIII's, but he never acknowledged them like he did his illegitimate son, Henry Fitzroy. After Carey died of the sweating sickness in 1528, Mary married William Stafford, and was outlawed from court for marrying without the permission of Anne and their father after Anne became queen. She later inherited all of the Boleyn estates.

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14y ago

Anne Boleyn was always described as having exotic looks amongst her contemporaries, with an olive complexion, dark hair and dark brown (almost black) eyes. She was slender in build and it was also believed that she wasn't very tall either, as when her body was exhumed, it appeared that she was about 5' 3" in stature. Anne also wasn't necessarily ugly, but she was not deemed 'a looker' either. This however may be due to the fact that in her time, pale complexions, blue eyes and blonde hair were traits highly favored and associated with beauty.

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14y ago

Many words come to mind to describe Anne Boleyn - among these are:

Ambitious, outspoken, quick tempered, intelligent, vivacious, proud and cultured

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11y ago

Anne Boleyn had many homes, and most of them, I believe were castles. Her family estate was Hever Castle, you can look it up on Google.

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13y ago

she had hazel eyes and blonde hair

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