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Q: What did Wilfrid Laurier do for Canada before the 1900s?
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Wheels were invented long before the 1900s

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How was education in Canada during the 1900s?

education was epic

When was smoking banned in theatres in Burlington Ontario Canada?

in the 1900s

Did children get educagtion in the 1900s?

Children in the 1900s were sent to Canada to be trained as assassins of the future. They were not taught to read or write just kill.

What was the rock's like in the 1900s?

The same as today and before the 1900s, hard and stony, hot in sun and cold otherwise.

In 1862 what was the first university in Canada to accept women?

women were not accepted in ANY university in Canada until the 1900s.

What was life like in the early 1900s in Canada?

women not recognized, relion centre of everything

Who invented the first camera in the 1900s?

The first camera was invented long before the 1900s. George Eastman invented the "Kodak" camera, the first camera marketed to the general public, in the 1900s.

Who were the 2 animal species that declined due to the the fur trade in Canada in the 1900s?

Beaver and lynx.

In the 1900s did colored movies come before sound?

Infsdafdsaf ----

What two species whose population declined as a result of the fur trade in Canada in the 1900s?

beaver and bison