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he was treated very bad when he was in prison very bad.

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10y ago

Nelson Mandela suffered through many hardships in jail. He had to wear shoes to small, work hard labor jobs, eat poor food, and sleep on a straw mat for 27 years.

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nelson Mandela got out of jail on February 11 1990

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nelson mandela was realesed in february 11 1990

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What happened to nelson Mandela?

He was put into jail.

Did nelson died in jail?

Do you mean Nelson Mandela? He was released from jail in 1990 and is still living. Or do you mean another Nelson?

When was Nelson Mandela released from jail?

Nelson Mandela was released from jail on February 11, 1990.

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mandela came out of the jail when south africa got independence from the white minorities.

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He was kept in Robben Island jail.

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Who sentenced nelson Mandela to jail?

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Robben Island.

What did Nelson Mandela did that he is so famous?

He was put in jail