Nelson Mandela planted bombs in neighborhoods because he thought that was the only way to "overthrow" the current government. Also he outlawed medication for HIV aids for ten years thinking that they would not help it one bit. Now does that sound very good?
Nelson Mandela's policies supported ending apartheid and establishing non-racia form of democracy in South Africa. Mandela's form of government mirrored liberal beliefs.
Nelson Mandela
nelson mandela
No, Nelson Mandela is not single.
How was nelson Mandela positive
his actions were not wrong because the laws were unjust
his actions were not wrong because the laws were unjust ;)
Nelson Mandela was arrested
nelson Mandela had cancer when he was in the 1990s
Nelson Mandela did not have any songs as he was not a singer. Nelson Mandela was a human rights activist.
nelson mandela
Nelson Mandela bridge is in Africa.
Yes, Nelson Mandela has 7 kids.