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Nelson Mandel and Frederik Willem de Klerk got the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for 'for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa'.

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12y ago
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Cookie Power

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3y ago
thanks this really helped :)
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Cookie Power

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12y ago

he told the people (his country) and if they agreed then he made the choice of doing it or not, then he made a treaty kind of like the e.g-(treaty of waitangi)

then he told the peace and if both side agree than he asked both side's leaders to sign and peace will finally be held and they can not do bad thing and that is how he made peace.

p.s i hope you like it. It's all i got but i still hope it's enough information

THANKS :) ;)


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13y ago

he is still alive today and soon on the 18th of July he will be 92 years old.

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10y ago

Heo abolished apartheid in South Africa and established multiracial elections in 1994, in which he led the ANC to victory.

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13y ago

he worked to join blacks and whites together

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12y ago

since he was leader of South africa, he promoted peace in South Africa

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11y ago

he so cool

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