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two locks of hair

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Q: What did Nelly put into the locket around Catherine's neck?
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Related questions

What did Nelly put into the locket around Catherine and neck?

two locks of hair

What is the name for a piece of jewerly around the neck on a chain usually containig a photograph?

A locket

Who is The only Smurf That can open Puppy's Locket around his Neck?

It's Baby Smurf.

What did Ellen wear around her neck?

Ellen wears a locket. That is why Annemarie wanted Ellen to take it off when the solders came to Annemarie's house.

What is the card Seto Kaiba wears around his neck?

It is not a card, it is a locket that looks like one. Inside, it has a photograph of his younger brother, Mokuba.

What is the necklace called were you can put a picture in?

The kind of necklace that you may enclose pictures in is called a locket. Locket necklaces have been around for many years, and often contain images that hold sentimental value to a person. A locket is essentially an ornamental case worn around a person's neck that can be opened into a diptych to hold items such as a photograph or even a lock of hair.

What is a really good personalized gift for a child?

If you want to give a child a personalized gift he or she will keep, you should get them a bracelet or a locket to wear around their neck. If you get he or she a locket or bracelet they will feel you really went the extra mile to get them this very meaningful and loving gift.

What did the monster take from William's neck in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?

He took the locket with a picture of Victor's mother in it.

When was The Thing Around Your Neck created?

The Thing Around Your Neck was created in 2009.

How many pages does The Thing Around Your Neck have?

"The Thing Around Your Neck" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has 240 pages.

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