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In Henry Kissingers book, "on china" page 307, Kissingers recounts one of his last conversations with Mao which is very revealing about the Chairmans view of himself and his reference to god,

Mao - ....."and when i go to heaven to see God, i'll tell him its better to have Taiwan under the care of the United States now."

Kissinger - " He will be very astonished to hear that from the Chairman"

Mao - "No, because god blesses you, not us. God does not like us (waves his hands) because i am a militant warlord, also a communist. Thats why he doesnt like me. (pointing to the three americans) He likes you and you and you."

This conversation is interesting not only because Mao makes reference to heaven and god but also because he refers to himself as a militant warlord, rather than a revolutionary. Whether this means Mao had a personal belief in god, or whether the god reference was used to convey a message to the christian Americans regarding Mao's position on Taiwan, i think, is open to interpretation and further investigation.

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