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Q: What did Andrew fisher have to do with world war 1?
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How many brothers and sisters did Andrew fisher have?

Andrew Fisher has 1 child currently

What is the famous quote of Andrew fisher during world war 1?

He said he would back Britain 'to every last man and every last shillng'.

Who was in charge of the French army in World War 1?

Mr. Hill and Fisher

Who became the prime minister in World War I?

Prime Ministers during World War 1: Canada - Sir Robert Borden UK - H. H. Asquith, followed by David Lloyd George France - Georges Clemenceau Australia - Andrew Fisher, followed by William Hughes

Who was Prime Minister of Australia at the start of World War I?

In the very initial stages of the war, Joseph Cook was Prime Minister in Australia (up to 5 September 1914). He was succeeded by Andrew Fisher, who served from 5 September 1914 to 27 October 1915. However, the predominant Prime Minister during World War 1 was William "Billy" Morris Hughes, who served from 1915 until after the war.

How many died in the axis in World War I?

millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1

The military out come of World War I was decided by what reasons?

where is world war 1 come from?how many years a go in world war 1?what is world war 1?how many people dead in world war 1?who is win in world war 1?how many people live in world war 1?when the world war 1 start?how many helicopter they use?when thwe world war fished?

During which war did general john j pershing recommend that ncos be provided with separate mess facilities?

World War 1

Why was china in World War 1?

china was in world war 1 because it was a WORLD WAR that would mean it was a war of our world.........

How did you get in world war 1?

I wasn't in the world war 1

Women won the right to vote after America victory in?

World War 1

How did they do World War 1 and World War 2?

In world war 1,germany started the war,but in world war 2,japan started it and usa ended the war