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Technically, there are no countries that are currently being run by a truly aristocratic government. Aristocratic traditions persist in India, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, but these countries are also ruled by democracy.

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12y ago

Answering "Present countries under the government of aristocracy?" asdfojasd;klfj;sdjf;neisse as;ejrfkasdjfalskdfja;sioe;alskfj;laskjlenisse peralsidfu;ej;aseilfjas;dfn;sdlf n;awei9fnas;eilfjas;dlfj;en;asliernfas;leifjas;ldfjil;saejnasliern;asleifjl;sakej;nlas;lrf;aslfn;asli fun[0afuojin dreilt54'fgrbh 75a4gbasdgdfjipsdzgv

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13y ago

Switzerland and Thailand are examples of countries ruled by an aristocratic government.

[Hope I helped!]

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10y ago

Countries that were traditionally under an aristocratic government included England, Scotland, and Ireland. Other countries include Nigeria and India in the past.

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Q: What countries have aristocracy government?
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Which countries are ruled by anstacracy?

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Aristocracy is a type of government.

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There are four main types of government. These include a monarchy, an aristocracy, an aristocracy, as well as a Dictatorship.

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There are many countries that have a constitutional aristocracy. They include the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Japan, New Zealand and Norway.

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The system of government by privileged citizens or the upper class is called aristocracy.