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He thought the colonies should help pay for the Seven Years' War.

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Q: What attitude motivated British Prime Minister George Grenville to pass new laws for the English colonies in 1763?
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What motivated British Prime Minister George Grenville to pass the first round of laws affecting the colonies?

The need to pay national debts left over from the Seven Years' War

What was Prime Minister George Grenville's opinion of the colonies?

That the colonies should help pay for the French and indian war.

What was George Grenville's first action against the colonies?

As Prime Minister of England, George Grenville was responsible for the Stamp Act of 1765, which taxed the American colonies. The colonists opposed the tax because their representatives had not been consulted about the Stamp Act.

Why did the british feel justified in beginning to levy taxes on the colonies after 1763 including the new stamp tax instituted by what prime minister?

Prime Minister George Grenville

How did Prime Minister George Grenville change British policy toward her colonies in North America?

He gave the British colonies a better right than the people in the colonie of north America.

Who was the First lord of the Treasury and later prime Minister who was responsible for some of the most outlandish taxes on the American colonies including the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act?

It was Prime Minister George Grenville.

Prime minister of great Britain whose plan to control the American colonies included the proclamtion of 1763 stricter enforcment of the navigation acts and the stamp act?

George Grenville

George Greenvilles first action in the colonies was to take action against?

George Grenville's first action in the colonies was to take action against smugglers. George Grenville was a British Whig statesman.

What was George Grenville opinion of the colonies?

The colonies should help pay for the cost of the French and Indian War

Who included a tax on imports to the other colonies?

some taxes were on tea,and paper goods. it was the coersive acts

What was the purpose of George Grenville's revenue policies to?

Force the colonies to pay the enitre British debt

What was British policy of ignoring the colonies?

Salutary neglect was Britain's policy of ignoring the colonies. Prime Minister Walpole had believed that if the colonies were left to their own devices, they would flourish. This was the attitude toward the colonies until 1763. Any laws that might restrict the colonists were routinely ignored.