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is the china one child policy positive? is the china one child policy positive? it has posative did slowly stableise china's populaton

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  • Less population
  • Less overcrowdedness
  • Less pollution
  • Less competition
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Q: What are the positive effects of chinas one child policy?
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Are their any other countries that use the one child policy apart from china?

chinese history,chinas one_child policy

Did China's 1 child policy end?

It has not ended and has not been scheduled to do so.

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Are there any positive effects on China's one child policy?

yes there was some positive efectcs one of them was that there was a significant amount of resources to go round and that it made the population level up .

What are 5 positive outcomes about the one child policy in china?


What are the effects of certain child rearing practices?

Well, positive rearing produces positive results and visa versa. If your talking about long term affects, its how and what you are attempting to accomplish...

What are the Effect of Two-child policy in lives of the people in China?

China's two child policy, which was in place before 1980, had an estimated population of 1.8 billion by the year 2025. That is why, in 1980, when the population of China reached over 1000 million, it was changed to a one child policy. This resulted in a decreased estimate of 1.2 billion by the year 2025. Unfortunately it also resulted in much female infanticide and a lack of partners for men. So essentially Chinas two child policy was its first attempt at reducing its population, I would assume many of its rewards and punishments are similar to that of its one-child policy. I,e, improved housing, pensions and free education for sticking to the rules, and none of the above plus one hefty fine for breaking the rules. Unfortunately i don't know when the two child policy came into effect, or what the exact effect was if your talking about personal effects ( such as how having less children effected food, water or work sources etc - though one would assume with less mouths to feed then food and water would be more plentiful ) but I'm 100% sure this will be more helpful than the previous answer which went something like : two child policy? that's new - i thought it used to be a one-child policy.

What are the conclusion of two child policy?

10 child policy

What were the effects of the one-child policy?

Good partsless pollutionless crowdedmore food and housesless povertyBad partsabuse towards womendiscrimination against girlsunequal ratio between girls and boysspoiled child

Where does one child policy happen?

The 'One child' policy is related to China.

What are the effects positive and negative of one child policy?

Positive aspects. · Families who only have one child get a 'one child glory certificate' which entitles them to an annual bonus on their salary up until the child is 14. · Its good for population management · Its decreased the population by over a half · Families who stick to the policy will get HUGE bonuses. Negative aspects. · There is more men to women in china, therefore, that means less wives, less children(not a positive) because people are killing their daughters · There are boys being kidnapped off the streets. · A lot of girls are getting put up for adoption· If you are an only child, you are allowed to have two children (unfair and not helping the population much) because that's the same as the parent having two children in the first place and one giving birth The children are becoming spoilt, like "little emperors"

How is the one child policy in china similar to policies in India and in the us?

One child policy in china is made to control the population. In India, they do not have a one child policy currently but maybe in the future. In the us, they do not have a one child policy.