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The Royal Marines corps crest is as follows:

-Green laurels with red berries

-Gold Queen's crown with red felt, white fur trim, white pearls and lion

-Blue and brown-green globe with names of continents written upon (Africa, Asia, Europe, China and Australia are visible, not America as in some incorrect drawings)

-Gold Anchor and Scroll

The metal badge itself as worn on the Beret is of an anodised bronze colour (do not polish, as I did once with a disastrous response from the troop Sergeant)

The metal badge worn on the No1 cap (white with red band) is of an anodised "stay-brite" gold-chrome colour.

Hope I have been of assistance

Gareth Humphreys, Marine Cadet 2nd class, Royal Marine Cadets

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From navy net:

The Corps pattern belt is as follows:

Blue - the RN connection
Yellow - the colour of our first tunics (old gold for Duke of York & Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot)
Green - to denote the RM Light Infantry
Red - to denote the RM Artillery
Blue - once again for the RN connection

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