i think the worst thing about one child policy is that, the children wont have the experience to have a sister or brother & cousins, aunties & uncles. And also because there are lots of baby girls being aborted and abandoned and just thrown away. As well as not having a freedom,some of them gets so much attention and gets whatever they want they get spoiled, also, the parents have to put lots and lots of pressure to the children, because they want them to have good grades and go to the university so that's why the children have to study 14 HOURS A DAY!!
bad things
Bad life
Some people might consider encouraging female infanticide to be a bad point.
The bad points of china's one child policy is that:It has a negative effect on females,It will cause alot of infanticide,More abortions,More abandoning will occur often.
Vietnam is so messy and not good. Always trying to steal stuff and getting money please believe me. Vietnam is small not bigger than chinas population. They eat bad things
not drink heavy liquor, tequila is healthy for child development
yes they can teach your child to say bad words and dirty things
If you follow the one child policy, you would get benefits for your child like better schooling. And you yourself get a benifit, like a bonu every year or better medical care. Bad things include heavy fines for having a second child and the gender embalance because typically couples want boys. (That's starting to change now because girls are getting more right to do better jobs and earn more money. Couples want boys to pass on their family name, and to be able to care for them when they're older). Random things include: That the policy only applies to 45% of the populace ( the urban population)
the one child policy is actually good for the economy because parents don't have to spend so much money on so many kids. so that money is saved and that is definitely good for the economy.
It's one of the very best things you can do for them. And start early.
knifes are bad and good because you need knifes to cut things and they are bad because if a child plays with it they might cut themselves or hur them selves in a really bad way