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Q: What are some forms of government in the world today?
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Do you need a government in this world today?

OR a strong central authority of some type.

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working in factories ,begging and prostition

What are some limited forms of government?

Limited forms of government include:democracyrepublicconstitutional monarchy

Which country in the world is Oligarchy?

There are no countries with the government of an oligarchy today. Some argue many Western European countries are, but in reality they are not.

Why do some people think capitalism is the best form of government?

Capitalism is not a form of government. Communism is not a form of government. Socialism is not a form of government. All three of those are economic forms, not forms of government.

How do the times of the revolutionary war have relevance to today's world?

Some would say that we are again suffering a repressive government that disregards the will of the people.

In some forms of government the head of state is called the?

the channcellor

Why were france and germany enemies?

They had conflicting interests, different allies, different forms of government and some harsh feelings after the Franco-Prussia War.

Did the Greek civilization have some form of government?

Many forms of government from Democracy to Tyranny Meritocracy and Aristocracy to Plutocracy.

Name the forms of government that fall under the category of autocracy?

The forms of government are aligarchy and democracy

What are some forms of communication that connect regions today?

Computers and email and FaceTime and phones

Who believed law should rule government?

Well, throughout history some examples of people believing in Legalist forms of government included Draco from Greece, Machiavelli from Italy, and even Locke. Legalist forms of government originally started in China.