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Here are some common legal reasons for divorce which are widely present in all current enactments on divorce law:

  • Infidelity
  • Wedding at a youthful age
  • Aggressive behaviour at home
  • Absence of closeness
  • Monetary issues

If you are unable to beat your difficulties and looking for a court separate. Experienced divorce legal counsellor, WM Low and Partners can help smooth out the cycle for you.

Contact us at- +65 65341328

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12y ago

Major reason about financial then trust.What they aspected before married can't fullfill by spouse or eitherway.And the trust that you had been given missuse-ex-said gone for works but hanging somewhere with their friends etc.And maybe also still want to enjoys/before married zero sign about entertainment and so just knew the feel of it after married.Or before married having financial problems/not working but after married have own money/working so feel can do anything without boundary.

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16y ago

Abuse, infidelity, abandonment

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Q: What are Legal reasons for divorce?
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