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France, Britain and the Netherlands still have some territories and dependencies scattered throughout Latin America.

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Q: What European countries today still own and govern some countries in Latin America today?
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What two European countries first claimed latin America?

The first two countries that claimed Latin America were France and Portugal

Which two European countries most influenced the culture of Latin America?

what two European countries most influenced the culture of latin America The correct answer for novel stars is Spain and Portugal

Which European countries still have colonies in Latin America?

No European countries currently have colonies in Latin America. All former colonial territories in Latin America have gained independence.

What 2 European countries influence latin America?

Spain and Portugal

What 5 European countries colonized Latin America?

SpainPortugalFranceThe NetherlandsEngland

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to prevent European countries from regaining colonies in Latin America

Who were the first two European countries to claim parts of latin America?

Spain and Portugal.

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Spain and Portugal .

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Spain and Portugal

What are the two main European languages spoken in Latin America?

The only two European languages of Latin America are Spanish and Portuguese.* Latin America means "countries in America that speak Latin-based languages."*Note: if Haiti is included in the definition, then French is also spoken.

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Monroe doctribe forbid european countries in latin america

What two european countries came to dominate latin America in the 1600 to 1700?

Spain and Portugal.