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Some of the bad things Henry VII did: . Broke from the pope . closed down all monasteries and convents . Executed 2 of his 6 wives . spent all of his money the second he got it instead of saving it for a bad time

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Some bad things about King Edward II include his role in the Great Famine. In times where people had little to no food it is reported he took food from poor farming families in order to maintain his lifestyle and extravagant gatherings.

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Q: What Bad things Henry VIII did?
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What were the negatives in Henry VIII reign?

Henry VIII was lustful, selfish, and eventually gluttonous.

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Who was a bad King Henry VII or Henry VIII?

Henry VII wasn't a good defender, and he wasn't a very nice person either. Henry VIII was a good King, and looked after England well, but was a womanizer and wasn't very nice to his wives.

What is so bad about Henry VIII?

Nothing particular.

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He was too bored and busy to do any of the important things and liked ordering people around.

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An heir.

What happened before Henry the VIII was born?

Many things.

What bad things King Henry VIII do?

First off, he married a bunch of different women and killed them when they could not bear him a son. (although it's his fault)

What is Henry VIII known for today?

Henry VIII is known for, primarily, two things: His six wives, and his splitting with the Roman Catholic Church and the foundation of Anglicanism.

What famous things did Henry VIII do?

Henry VIII is probably most famous for creating the Church of England, and marrying 6 times, divorcing and executing the majority.

How similar were Henry vii and Henry VIII reign?

Not very similar. Henry VIII basically reformed the church to Protestantism. Henry the VII consolidated his power and began settling things down after the War of the Roses