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Stalin was against religion and was strongly Atheist. He ran campaigns discouraging any form of religion.

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yes, he was. He also required his citizens to stop practicing their religion.

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He was an atheist

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12y ago

Stalin was an atheist.

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Q: Was Stalin a atheist
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What religion was Joseph Stalin?

He was an aetheist.

What was Stalin's religious views?

Joseph Stalin opposes any and all religion, and was an atheist.

Which religion did Stalin oppose and why?

All religions. Stalin was atheist and strongly opposed religions.

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He was an Atheist, and therefore had no religion.

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Josef Stalin was an atheist who saw believers as a threat to his power.

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No, Stalin was Atheist and compeltely against religion, but even more hostile towards Judaism. His son was not Jewish.

What was stalins relationship with the Orthodox Church?

Joseph Stalin was an atheist and a Communist who tried to make Christianity illegal and kill anybody who continued to remain faithful to Orthodoxy.

Joseph Stalin was born iosif vissarionovich dzhugashvili in the village of gori in the Russian province of Georgia on dec 21 1879 his father was a shoemaker with a penchant for drunkenness who l?

The Russian prefix DZU means Jew. Iosif Dzugashvili had a mother who was a social climber. She converted from Judaism to The Russian Orthodox religion for this reason. She forced her son, Iosif to go to Seminary, but he went into it as an atheist and came out of it as an angry, resentful atheist. He then joined up with the angry Bolsheviks, most of whom were atheist Jews also. However, Stalin was an equal opportunity killer. Among the 60 million he killed, were many Jews--including his former colleague, Leon Trotsky.

What does it mean English Atheist?

An English atheist is an atheist from England.

Was Leo Tolstoy an atheist?

Yes,Stalin said "You know, they are fooling us, there is no God...all this talk about God is sheer nonsense" in E. Yaroslavsky, Landmarks in the Life of Stalin, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1940Supposedly Stalin's daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva Stalin said (documentary "Mysteries of the Century: Kremlin Kids" ("Тайны века" - "Дети Кремля") 2003-03-19, 1 Channel 1 Russia), that Stalin told her Christ existed in the past.Journalist: It is interesting, that from all Kremlin' residents, maybe, just Stalin believed in God...S.Alliluyeva: In father's library, between other books, were few tomes of "Christ". It was history of Christ written by vox populist Morozov. I said to my father: "But Christ didn't exist!" and he answered "Oh no, Christ, surely existed."However no copy of the interview has yet been found on the internet and further more belief that Jesus was a man is not the same as following his teachings. believing he was more than a man, or belief that God exists.It's also worth noting that Stalin's supposedly calling Jesus by the title Christ is no more meaningful that a Protestant calling the head of the Catholic Church The Pope.In 1939-11-11 in a calculated effort to reinvigorate the war effort (and keep the Nazi's from putting him on trial) Stalin canceled Lenin's instruction from May, 1st, 1919 for N 13666-2 "About struggle against priests and religion" and gave orders to People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) to release from custody already arrested priests "if activity of these citizens didn't harm the Soviet authority".Stalin was not stupid as some think and he knew how to sow discord among his enemies in 1951-06-27 as part of these efforts he (among other things) gaved "Stalin's Prize" to English clergyman Hewlett Johnson.And if there's any remaing doubt that Stalin was an atheist who deeply hated religion just days before his death, Stalin ordered certain religious sects to be outlawed and persecuted. Many religions popular in the ethnic regions of the Soviet Union including the Roman Catholic Church, Uniats, Baptists, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. underwent ordeals similar to the Orthodox churches in other parts: thousands of monks were murdered abused or forced to go into hiding, and countless churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, sacred monuments, monasteries and other religious buildings were razed.

How do you spell atheist?


How do you use atheist in sentence?

"John is an atheist, which means he does not believe in the existence of any gods or deities."