chinese history,chinas one_child policy
is the china one child policy positive? is the china one child policy positive? it has posative did slowly stableise china's populaton
It has not ended and has not been scheduled to do so.
It is not fair because woman should be allowed to have more than one child so they can have a bigger family.
no it is not because if someone whants two children they cant because of the policy?
No it is not fair as the people are forced to do things against their wishes, but the Chinese failed to hear the earlier warnings.
Probably not, but that wasn't the point of it and it is a communist country so they do and tell their people what to think, say, and do.
The 'One child' policy is related to China.
One child policy in china is made to control the population. In India, they do not have a one child policy currently but maybe in the future. In the us, they do not have a one child policy.
A 'One Child' policy will reduce population in the next generation.
The one child policy prevents over-population and starvation.
What do you think about China one child policy