180 degrees
International Dateline Hotel was created in 1966.
The International dateline passes through the Pacific Ocean.
The International Dateline passes through the Pacific and Southern Oceans.
A hemisphere is a section of the Earth located north/south or between two major lines of latitude or longitude. The Northern Hemisphere is located north of the Equator. The Southern Hemisphere is located south of the Equator. The Western Hemisphere is located west of the Prime Meridian and east of the International Dateline. The Eastern Hemisphere is located east of the Prime Meridian and west of the International Dateline.
North America is on the east of the International Dateline.
The international dateline has normal gravity; our time zone conventions have no effect on the gravity of the planet Earth.
The International Dateline is a proper noun because it is the name for a specific thing.
the international date line is 0 degrees
international dateline
180 degrees