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i belive you meant Direct representaton. the british belived in virtual representation which just means that there are people in parlement that represent them, but they have never been to the colonies. kind of like a cat with a tag that says "dog"

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Q: The colonists believed in actual representation while the British Parliament believed in?
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Why did the colonists fight of british?

The British were taxing the colonists without representation in Parliament.

Why was it so important for the colonists to have tax representation?

No taxation without representation was one of the main causes of the American Revolution. The colonists believed they were not directly represented in the British Parliament and that any laws passed by the British Parliament were illegal under the Bill of Rights.

Why shouldn't the british tax the colonists?

No taxation without representation in parliament

Why did the colonists oppose English taxes?

American colonists objected to British taxes because the colonists had no vote on the taxes and no representation in the British parliament. The colonists' catchphrase for protests was "taxation without representation", because they were being taxed without representation in the parliament and that's why they were mad.

What does taxatation without representation mean?

Colonists had no one to speak for them in the British Parliament.

Who spoke out taxation without representation?

The British colonists in America before the War of Independence (no taxation without representation /in the British Parliament/).

What is the british response of the taxation without representation?

The British responded by telling the colonists that they were represented fairly in Parliament. They stated that each member of Parliament represented all Englishmen, including the colonists, and that they should be happy with the "virtual representation".

Why did many colonists believe that the british parliament to tax them were against their rights?

The colonists believed that since they had no representatives in the English government, That the government had no right to tax them. their rallying cry was" no taxation without representation".

What was the stamp act to the colonists?

The colonists ignored the stamp act and boycotted all British goods until the Parliament agreed to let the colonies have representation in the Parliament. "No taxation without representation!" was their slogan.

Why was taxation without representation a huge complaint by the colonists?

Taxation without representation was a huge complaint by the colonists because they believed it violated their rights as English citizens. They argued that since they had no elected representatives in the British Parliament, they had no say in decisions regarding taxation. This lack of representation was seen as unfair and oppressive, leading to increasing tensions between the colonists and the British government.

Why did many colonists believe that the British Parliament's attempts to tax them were against their right?

colonists believed that since the government had no representative they had no right to tax them. Their rallying cry was "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!!"

How did the colonists' ideas about different from those of the British Parliament?

The Members of Parliament believed that Virtual Representation worked. In short, they felt that saying that everyone in Parliament represented every person in the British Empire was a good plan. The colonists, however, wanted representatives who were there actually representing them. They wanted people chosen by New Englanders, Middle-Colonists and Southerns in Parliament along with people from India and the rest of the Empire.