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Sick pay entitlement in the Royal Air Force is a bit of a tough area.

The RAF does offer sick pay, however it is relatively hard to get compared to other careers.

The RAF offer free medical, health and dental care to everybody serving them (as do other British Armed Forces). They also offer six weeks paid holiday as well as eight public holidays (one year you'll have Christmas off work, the next you'll get Easter off, and so on).

When you report sick to the RAF, you are usually required to immediately see an RAF doctor on the base. If the RAF doctor agrees you are sick, you will be granted temporary leave for a couple of days. However if the doctor does not agree, you will be told to go straight to work and you may be reported to commanding officers for attempting to falsely claim sickness.

The RAF, like all British forces, are strict. A cold or a flu for example is not an accepted excuse for sick leave - because you wouldn't get sick leave for this in active military duty. You literally need to be in pain or infected by viruses/disease to recieve sick leave & sick pay from British forces.

The toughness is to prevent people from claiming unnecessary sick pay. Let's say you are on an air craft carrier with a cold and a headache, then an emergency call comes in saying that an airplane carrying the British Prime Minister is under attack - you will still be required to get in your jet and race to the Prime Minister's plane, because you are still able-bodied.

So, the RAF does offer sick pay. But it is extremely tough to get. You will be required to see an on-base RAF officer for assessment.

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