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Nope, at least the Norway government hasn't to stop funding terrorist organizations. On the other hand, he's a pretty well-rounded fellow and has probably read or seen Hamlet at some point.

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Q: Is the present king of Norway aware of fortinbras actions in Hamlet?
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Did Hamlet kill the father of young fortinbras of Norway?

Fortinbras had it coming because his name was gay

What is the outcome of the fight between king Hamlet and Fortinbras?

King Hamlet won, and therefore won certain territories in Norway, which young Fortinbras resents.

Who is uncle fortinbras in Hamlet?

Fortinbras uncle is the brother of Old Fortinbras (the father to the Fortinbras in the play), who was killed by Old Hamlet before the play begins. He, Fortinbras uncle, is the current ruler of Norway, and as such is often refered to as "Norway." In Shakespeare's text, all of the action involving this uncle happens off-stage, hence he is not a listed character.

Who succeeded claudius?

Fortinbras of Norway takes the throne after Claudius and Hamlet die

What happened to fortinbras in hamlet?

He ends up being King of Denmark. Since the entire royal family of Denmark gets dead in the last act, and Fortinbras happens to be there with an army, he wins by default. Fortinbras says that he has some claim to the throne of Denmark. This is crap--he has no claim at all as Claudius showed clearly in the first act. He is just a scumbag adventurer who happens to be in the right place at the right time.

Where is fortinbras from?

Fortinbras is the son of the former king of Norway. His father died at the hand of Hamlet Sr (Hamlet's father). His uncle took the throne, however it is said that he is on his death bed. Fortinbras is said to be mounting an army throughout the play in order to take back the land his father lost to Denmark. At the end of the play, just before Hamlet dies he announces Fortinbras to be the new king of Denmark.

How did king fortinbras of Norway lose his lands?

He had a bet with King Hamlet on who would win a fight between them. Fortinbras lost the fight and the bet.

In Shakespeares play Hamlet How is the conflict with Norway settled?

Basically, Norway wins. Fortinbras is a citizen of Norway, and he takes over Elsinore castle at the end.

The present king of Norway is aware of Fortinbras's activities?


What is the name of murrays big black dog in a wrinkle in time?

Fortinbras. This is likely a literary reference (Fortinbras is name of the ruler of Norway who also becomes king of Denmark at the end of Hamlet).

What does Hamlet learn about the land over which Norway and Poland are set to fight from the captain in Fortinbras' army?

The land is essentially worthless.