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Government can be best described as an "undesirable necessity".

Humans grant authority to others to receive the benefits of defense and public order. However, there is an innate tendency for those in authority to accumulate more power.

In addition, political states, which are hierarchical social structures composed of individuals who have been given authority, outlive their original founders and continue to exert their control over people who were never party to the original social contract. Some political philosophers hold that such forms of government are not legitimate because there is no explicit consent. Unfortunately, no one has devised a practical system for obtaining the original goals (defense and public order) without the undesirable consequences.

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Q: Is the government evil
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It's a reasonably self-evident assertion. So far, there's never been a government that didn't to some extent, sooner or later, abuse at least some of its citizens; since the task of a government is to protect its citizens, this makes government "evil". Yet there's never been a human society which managed to function without government, which seems to make it "necessary". Thus, a necessary evil.

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the government is stupid! so not listen to him! he isn't doing anything about it! bahahahahahahahhahaha > evil laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ;)

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There are none, communism is a form of government like capitalism or evil socialism are forms of government. Hitler ran for political office under the socialist party-so it is fair to call it evil, but Hitler was also an occult member.

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Conspiracy theorists.

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To be MEAN-french are evil when it has to do with government, oh yeah and i like chicken

Is US government evil?

No. A government is a means to structure a society, but sometimes the people in a government do bad things. As a whole the US government is pretty good. It is up to the citizens to keep tabs on the people they elect to make sure they are doing what they are suppose to be doing.

What did thomas Paine believe about the purpose of government in socie?

society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worse state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government.