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we think the silver jubilee was in 1862 not sure what month the celebrations were held though. It is quite likely that it would have been a 'low key' affair as her husband Prince Albert had died just one year previously. No coins were struck to commemorate this occasion.

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Her gold jubille was in 2002 and her silver was in 1977

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queen victorias golden jubilee was in 1897 i think.

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Q: In which year was Queen Victoria's Silver Jubilee?
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Show you prices of Queens Jubilee silver 1953 coins?

There are no 1953 Jubilee coins. 1953 was the year of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Her Silver Jubilee was 1977, her Golden Jubilee was 2002.

Why was there a celebration called the Jubilee in 1887 when Queen Victoria was around?

Queen Victoria ascended the throne in 1837. * 1862 was her Silver Jubilee year (25 years). * 1887 was her Golden Jubilee year (50 years). * 1897 was her Diamond Jubilee year (60 years).

What is a 25 year celebration called?

In UK in 1977 the Queen celebrated Silver Jubilee (1952 + 25)

1891 silver jubilee?

1891 in Britain was not a Silver Jubilee year for anyone or anything.

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03,11,1989 is the wedding day when is the silver jubilee

How many jubilees are there?

There are usually only three. So far, Queen Elizabeth II has celebrated a Silver Jubilee (in 1977, marking her 25th year on the throne), a Golden Jubilee (in 2002, a 50th year observance) and a Diamond Jubilee (in 2012, for her 60th year as queen). A Diamond Jubilee normally would be held for the 75th anniversary of a monarch's reign, but an arrangement was made to honor Queen Victoria in 1897 for her 60th year on the throne. Queen Elizabeth II is the only other British queen to observe a Diamond Jubilee. According to Katie Couric of ABC News, Queen Elizabeth would celebrate a Platinum Jubilee if she is still Britain's monarch in 2022.

How many different jubilees are there?

There are usually only three. So far, Queen Elizabeth II has celebrated a Silver Jubilee (in 1977, marking her 25th year on the throne), a Golden Jubilee (in 2002, a 50th year observance) and a Diamond Jubilee (in 2012, for her 60th year as queen). A Diamond Jubilee normally would be held for the 75th anniversary of a monarch's reign, but an arrangement was made to honor Queen Victoria in 1897 for her 60th year on the throne. Queen Elizabeth II is the only other British queen to observe a Diamond Jubilee. According to Katie Couric of ABC News, Queen Elizabeth would celebrate a Platinum Jubilee if she is still Britain's monarch in 2022.

When was queen Elisabeth's jubilee?

England hasn't had its own king or queen for 300 years. The current monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, has been queen of the United Kingdom (which includes England) since 1952 and had her silver jubilee in 1977 (25 years). Her golden jubilee (50 years) was in 2002 and her diamond jubilee, 60 years on the throne, will be celebrated this year (2012). If she survives for another 4 years - she is now 85 - she will be the longest reigning British monarch of all time.

Does the Queen Victoria jubilee gold coin exist the year 1900?

Queen Victoria celebrated her Golden Jubilee (50th) in 1887 and her Diamond Jubilee (60th) in 1897. British gold and silver coins minted from 1887 to 1893 feature what is known as the "Jubilee bust" of Queen Victoria. She is shown as much older than previous images and has a veil and a small crown.

Queen Victoria 1877 Jubilee coin left facing?

The Royal Mint did not produce an 1887 Jubilee coin. All British gold and silver coins from mid-1887 to mid-1893 inclusive had what is referred to as the Queen Victoria "Jubilee bust" on them. The "Jubilee bust" shows a much older Queen Victoria wearing a veil and a small crown.

What is the value of an 1892 Queen Victoria jubilee coin?

1892 was not Queen Victoria's Jubilee year. 1887 was Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee year (50 years). The only relevance of the term Jubilee is that most gold and silver coins minted during the period 1887 to 1893 had what is referred to as the Jubilee Bust of Queen Victoria on the obverse. What is the denomination of your coin, what is the design on the reverse, what is it made from and what is the diameter?