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In an absolute monarchy- well Rank Hath its privileges- there is no law against it, but as far as I know , it has never happened in the English Royal House. Elizabeth I was never married- died a Virgin- but was succeeded by James I, who was the son of the Martyed Mary, Queen of Scots. Elizabeth never , to my knowledge adopted a child. Obviously they hired page boys, ladies-In-waiting, palace servants, but these were adults- some classed as service personnel- of presumably the Royal Army, Constabulary ( police) or something of that nature.-They were not of royal family blood so to speak.

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Q: If they have no children or relatives can a King and a Queen adopt a child?
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you can adopt a child

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No she did not she had 4 children of her own all english with her husband but i can understand why u asked that question

Did Franklin Pierce adopt a child?

No. Pierce and his wife did not adopt any children.

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Because the lawyers in this country will come after her in the future after the parent who gives up the child changes her mind and wants the kid back. yes but why adopt a child that has parents or relatives that's not right, adopt a child who has no family in this country, i am sure there are plenty to help.

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If You Live InChina Then You Can Not Adopt ANY Children.But If You Live In The United States Then You Can Adopt Children.

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adopt parents are parents (mom, dad) that adopt a child/children... the child/children are NOT the parent's biologal child/chidlren, they had their REAL parents before but hey might have passed away or whatever... soemtimes a couple might adopt domeone in their family, a niece, nephew, cousin, etc.

Are same-sex married couples permitted to adopt children in Maine?

Yes. Same-sex couples may adopt children in Maine. Also, a same-sex partner may adopt the other's child. Single gay persons may also adopt children.

Can you adopt a child after their adopted parent dies?

Once adopted the child becomes a part of that family just as if they were born into it. If the adoptive parents die the socialworkers will ask the relatives and if they can not the child will go to foster care and up fpor adoption again. But the birth parents can never adopt the child back.

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He had no children. He did, however, adopt a child.

Is it any possible way a sterile man can have children?

of course there is, he can adopt a child

Are same-sex married couples permitted to adopt children in Illinois?

Yes, same-sex couples are permitted to jointly adopt children in Illinois. Also, a same-sex partner may adopt the other's child. Single gay persons are also permitted to adopt children.

Are same-sex married couples permitted to adopt children in Iowa?

Yes. Same-sex couples may jointly adopt children in Iowa. A same-sex spouse may adopt the other's child. Single gay persons may also adopt children in Iowa.