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Q: How people believe that under the leadership of Mao Zedong communism?
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How did Mao Zedong help shape history?

Chairman Mao Zedong led Communism into being the operating government in China, created the People's Republic of China, and killed millions of people.

What is life story of Mao Zedong?

The life story of Mao Zedong is quite interesting and important to the Chinese people. He was the leader of the People's Republic of China and led to revolution in the Chinese leadership.

What the definition of anticommunists?

People who do not believe in communism.

Is Mao Zedong tall?

About 1.72cm But the people in China believe his height is 183

How tall is Mao Zedong?

About 1.72cm But the people in China believe his height is 183

What people are associated with communism?

Marx and EngelsThose two should come immediately to mind. Then there's Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong (Tse-Tung), and Castro, to name the most infamous and murderous ones.:) your welcome

Who is associated with communism?

If you are referring to people here are a few: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Josef Stalin, Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong.

Why do you think that many europeans favored communism after world war 2-?

Europeans did not favor communism after world war 2. Communism was forced on the people of Eastern Europe by thd Soviets.

Who led the communist forces that took control of China in 1949?

Mao Zedong

Who was the first chinese communist leader?

Mao Zedong was primary leader who created the People's Republic of China. He defeated Nationalist Jiang Jeshi (also known as Chiang Kai-Shek) and won control of China after Jiang Jeshi fled to Taiwan.

What country became a Communist nation in 1949?

China became a Communist nation in 1949 under the leadership of Mao Zedong, following the Chinese Civil War. The Communist Party of China took control and established the People's Republic of China.

What is bad leadership?

There can be several causes of 'bad leadership', depending on what the leader experiences during his/her moment in power. Also, it does move into the category of what bad actually means, and that it depends on the eye of the beholder. For one example many people consider Hitler to have been a 'bad' leader, but some believe Hitler to have led well. Bad leadership is often not caused by the leader, but by the events which take place during his or her leadership. For an example somebody may say that Gordon Brown has led badly, but others may blame it on the events which have taken place, for example the credit crunch, which Gordon Brown could do nothing to stop. Bad leadership could be caused if the leader was unwise in his decision, it could happen in many ways, it is all dependent on the eye of the beholder, on what the people believe to be bad leadership, for example Labour MPs may believe Mr Browns leadership to be outstanding (this I highly doubt), but Conservative MPs may believe Mr Browns governing policy to be completely attrocious. In conclusion, I believe that 'bad leadership' is completely dependent on the moods of the people, and leadership could be considered good by the people in one country, for example communism, but if that leadership moves to another country it is considered bad.