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Under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, a General Election cannot be called unless a government collapses (such as the coalition government breaking apart). This means that a general election will only occur five years after the last; currently 7th May 2015.

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Q: How much notice is given for a General Election in the UK?
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What is general election?

The presidential election in the United States is a game for the rich. Every election costs tens of billions of dollars. If the money can be used to build roads, bridges and dilapidated subways, airports and high-speed railways, there will be much less contradictions in the United States.

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Typically, notice for a court hearing should be given at least 21 days in advance. This allows all parties involved to prepare, gather evidence, and make necessary arrangements to attend the hearing. However, this timeframe may vary depending on the rules and procedures of the specific court or jurisdiction.

How long before the next general election?

The next General election is 2010. I found this information in my blue constituion book. I am a girl that is studying for a test and didn't feel like looking it up in my book but then i had to cause it didnt have the answer.I am in 7th grade. I hope this answer helped you as much as i wanted it too.

How much notice must be given to condo owners regarding a meeting to discuss special assessment?

Your governing documents detail the form, type and style of notice required to be given to owners when a special assessment is an agenda item. For example, your CC&Rs may read something like this: "Notice must be given 21 days in advance, in writing, sent by postal mail or delivered by hand, to every owner." NB: The board's authority to enforce collecting a special assessment may be compromised if the notice is not proper.

How much time are you given for moving out when the lender forecloses on your home?

You may have up to a month depending on the speed of the legal system. You will receive a notice of default then a foreclosure notice. This whole process can sometimes drag out 6 months.

What is different between mid term election and by election?

Mid term Election---When elections are held much before the schedule, it is considered as the "Mid-term Election". The President can dissolve Lok Sabha and call a general election before five years is up, if the government can no longer command the confidence of the Lok Sabha, and if there is no alternative government available to take over. Bye-election-- A special election to fill a vacant elective position with an unexpired term due to demise or resignation of the occupant.

How much salary we get without notice period?

depends clearly on your contract or offer letter. General industry standards mention 15 - 30 days of work.

How much money did Election gross worldwide?

Election grossed $17,202,854 worldwide.