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Q: How many presidents did past dr.apj Abdul kalam?
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How many missile made by APJ Abdul kalam?

5 missiles were made by APG abdul KAlam Azad

How many brothers and sisters for Abdul Kalam?

APJ Abdul Kalam had 3 brothers and sisters.

When did Abdul Kalam serve as President to India?

Abdul Kalam was President of India from 2002 to 2007. He was an engineer. Kalam won the election over Lakshmi Sahgal and proposed many reforms to better the life of all Indians.

How many languages knows to A P J Abdul Kalam?


How many children Abdul Kalam have now?

3 brothers and sister

How many phD Dr A P J Abdul Kalam has got?


What did Abdul kalam invented?

themissile Agni, Prethvi, and many nuclear weapons he has invented

Whether Abdul KALAM was done his bsc?

Kalam has received honorary doctorates from as many as thirty universities . I have not found any information on any undergraduate work.

Contributions of APJ Abdul kalam?

dr. a.p.j. abdul kalam is a great personality amongst us indians and due to his various achievements that is an aerospace engineer professor, and chancellor of the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST),india is doing wonders

Why do people adore apj Abdul kalam?

people adore A.P.J.Abdul Kalam because he was a great scientist who designed many rockets and its proud to say that he was also Indian President.He is also a very well learned man.

Who are some famous Islamic people in the world today?

Answer There are so many in various fields. Naming few, Politics: Saudi King Faizal, Libiyan Chief Muammar Gadhafi, Former Indian HEP Abdul Kalam, Sports: Casius Clay Muhammad Ali, Saniya Mirza, Science: Abdul kalam etc

What are the achievements of Abdul Kalam as a scientist?

Dr. Kalam worked in aerospace engineering. He has been called the "Missile Man of India" for his work in ballistic missiles and launch vehicles, and he is associated with the 1998 Pokhran-II nuclear tests.