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There are currently 68 members of the House of Commons who subscribe to the Roman Catholic religion. Of these, there are 40 Labour Party MPs, 19 Conservatives, 5 Liberal Democrats, 3 Social Democratic Labour and 1 Scottish Nationalist. Furthermore, there are 5 Sinn Feinn Members of Parliament, most or all of whom are Roman Catholics. However, Sinn Feinn members do not take their seats in the House.

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Tanya Welsh

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2y ago
I'm Catholic and there was a page that popped up mentioning American Congress people who were Catholic so it made be curiouse about our own parliment so thanks =).

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Q: How many catholic mps are in parliament now?
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Your question is unclear. Exactly when are you referring to? Before the October 2008 election? Right now? Currently (Dec 2008) the Canadian parliament has this make up: Conservatives: 143 Liberals: 77 Bloc: 49 NDP: 37 Independent: 2 After the 2006 General Election, the NDP had 29 seats. They increased their number by 10 seats from the previous election when they held 19 seats.

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King Charles you?

In 1625 King Charles marries a Catholic. In 1628 he collects the tax without the Parliaments permission, so Charles and the Parliament split up. In 1637 Scotland rebel against the new prayer King Charles published. In 1640 Charles wants to collect money to fight Scotland, so he joins with the Parliament again. In 1641 a Catholic plot is to be feared. In 1642 Charles arrests 5 MPs, so the Parliament is extremely annoyed. They also argue about religion. A well as this the Parliament want to control the army. Now the Parliament go too far, so the King and his followers leave London. Then the Civil War began. King Charles and his followers called the royalists, and the Parliament and their followers called the round-heads are against each other. The Civil War takes place during 1642-1651. Even though King Charles has a rich army, they do not work well together and aren't as thoughtful as the Parliament. This is why King Charles lost the Civil War. In 1648 King Charles persuades Scotland to invade England, but King Charles' plan get discovered and so he is arrested and then was executed.

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