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The Prime Minister's term is indefinite, as the Prime Minister serves at the Governor General's pleasure (or the Queen's, termed, "Her Majesty's pleasure"). By convention, this is as long as the Prime Minister has the confidence of the House of Commons.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Traditionally, Prime Minister's terms have been about 4 years each.

An election must be called within 5 years of the previous election. More recently, due to having minority governments and governments inability to co-operate, elections have occurred about every 2 1/2 years.

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15y ago

It is theoretically possible for a person to serve as prime minister from the day s/he turns 18 (perhaps even earlier) until the day s/he dies. Practically speaking, however, a prime minister serves from the day the Governor General calls upon him or her to form a government until the day s/he resigns, dies, or is dismissed by the Governor General (the Queen's representative in Canada). The prime minister is the head of government, and must at all times maintain the 'confidence' (i.e., support) of a majority of members of the House of Commons. If a prime minister loses the confidence of the House, s/he may either ask the Governor General to call an election, or resign and advise the Governor General to request someone else to form a government. At times, an election may result in a different political party (a party other than the prime minister's party) winning the greatest number of seats in the House. In such a case, it would be obvious that the current prime minister could not maintain the confidence of the house. Therefore, the prime minister would voluntarily tender his/her resignation to the Governor General, who would then ask the leader of the other party to form a government. The practical 'rough and tumble' politics of the situation, however, take on a completely different tone than the formalities outlined above.

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15y ago

I believe that the Prime Minister of Canada has a term of 5 years.

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13y ago

No more than 5 years (usually about 4), but there is no limit to how many terms they can serve.

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16y ago

There is no limit. W.L. M. King served many years as PM.

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10y ago

The number of terms is unlimited.

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