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jane seymour was queen for just over a year from the 30th may 1536 - 24th october 1537. she and Henry VIII are buried together.

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Q: How long did Jane Seymor rule for?
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What was the third wife of henry viii?

Jane Seymor.

When did Jane seymor reign?

Jane Seymore and Henry VIII were married on May 30, 1536, and she died on October 24, 1537.

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9 days.

What did Henry VIII think of Jane seymor?

Jane Seymor was the only wife HenryVII ever truly loved. She died of postnatal complications less than two weeks after the birth of her only child, a son who reigned as Edward VI. She was the only one of Henry's wives to receive a queen's funeral, and his only consort to be buried beside him in as she was the only consort to have a son. :)

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she ruled England for 9 days

What has the author Jane Rule written?

Jane Rule has written: 'Taking my life'

When did Henry the VIII wife Jane Seymour die?

When she was giving birth to Edward. As they didn't have many doctors and surgeons in those days as she was giving birth she caught and infection that couldn't be healed so it caused her to die.

When did Henry the 8 marry Jane seymore?

Jane Seymour was born in 1508, and married King Henry VIII on 30 May 1536. She was 28 when she married him.

Did Jane Seymor have any other hubands?

Jane Seymour, Henry VIII's third wife, did not have any other husbands. They married on 30 May 1536. Jane gave birth to a boy, Edward, (later Edward VI) on 12 October 1537, and died of puerperal fever on 24 October 1537.

When was Jane Rule born?

Jane Rule was born on March 28, 1931, in Plainfield, New Jersey, USA.

Did Jane Seymor have any miscarriages when married to Henry VIII?

Jane Seymour did Not have any miscarriages while married to King Henry VIII of England. She gave birth to one son, the future King Edward VI of England, and died 12 days later.