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governor of the central bank

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Q: How do you properly address a government official particularly to the Governor of the Central Bank of the Philippines in writing a letter?
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When was Taft governor?

He became official civil governor of the Philippine's in 1901.Taft was Civil Governor of the Philippines from 1901-1904.

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The top executive official of any state government in the United States is the governor. State governments are set up fairly similar to the federal government. They have legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The president is the top executive in the United States while the governor is the top executive of a state government.

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The Tagalog language is primarily spoken in the Philippines, particularly in the regions of Manila, Central Luzon, and Calabarzon. It is also one of the official languages of the Philippines along with English.

What is the offical language of the Philippines?

The official language of the Philippines is Filipino, which is based on Tagalog. English is also recognized as an official language and is widely used in government, business, and education.

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