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Well, when i typed in this question to Google I didn't want to answer the question, CUZ I DIDN'T KNOW IT, i wanted someone else to help. Gosh, I freaking hate homework.

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Q: How did the supreme court fuel tensions over the issue of slavery in 1850?
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Why did the supreme court say that dred Scott was still a slave?

The Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) that African Americans, whether free or slaves, were not considered citizens under the United States Constitution. As a result, Dred Scott was not entitled to claim his freedom in a federal court, and his status as a slave was maintained. This decision further aggravated tensions between the North and South over the issue of slavery leading up to the Civil War.

When can US supreme court decisions be modified?

When the issue is again brought before the Supreme Court.

Which was a response to the effort to admit Missouri as a new state?

heightened tensions surrounding the issue of slavery

What was the Dred Scott and Dred Scott decision about?

The Dred Scott case was a landmark Supreme Court decision in 1857 that ruled African Americans, whether free or enslaved, were not considered U.S. citizens and thus had no standing to sue in federal court. The decision also declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional, sparking further tensions over the issue of slavery in the United States.

In which 1857 federal court case did the U.S. Supreme Court rule that slavery was permitted in U.S. territories and that slaves were not U.S. citizens?

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the 1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford case that slaves were not U.S. citizens and that the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which excluded slavery from certain territories, was unconstitutional. This decision further polarized the nation on the issue of slavery leading up to the Civil War.

What book is considered to have increased the tensions between the North and South on the issue of slavery?

Uncle Tom's Cabin

The supreme court ruling in Dred Scott v Stanford 1857 helped to increase sectional conflict because the decision?

The Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) held that African Americans, whether enslaved or free, were not considered United States citizens and therefore could not sue in federal court. This decision intensified sectional conflict by reinforcing the divide between slave states and free states, fueling tensions over the expansion of slavery into new territories. The ruling was seen as a victory for pro-slavery advocates and a setback for those seeking to abolish slavery, further polarizing the nation on the issue.

How did dred Scott influence other people?

The Dred Scott decision of 1857, where the Supreme Court ruled that African Americans could not be considered citizens, further divided the nation on the issue of slavery. It intensified abolitionist sentiment in the North while emboldening pro-slavery forces in the South. The decision also played a role in escalating tensions that eventually led to the Civil War.

When a lower court decision is appealed to the supreme court what will most likely happen?

Depends on the issue. The Supreme Court can send it back to the lower court, not hear it, or they can hear it.

What is the issue in the four important cases the Supreme Court is about to review?

Supreme Court will review cases from four states on the freedom to marry.

What was the view of the US Supreme Court on the issue of slavery and Declaration of Independence?

The Supreme Court wasn't existence when the Declaration of Independence was written and it is not used in court cases. It won't exist until 1789. I think you are giving the Declaration of Independence too much emphasis as a document in shaping of the government. As far as slavery goes it depended on who was on the court and the case. An example of this would be the Dred Scott decision. In this decision a slave was classified as property and didn't have any rights.