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Edward wonted marriage allowed in the churches

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Khalid Waters

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2y ago
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12y ago

Henry changed religion during the Tudor period in many ways. Main reasons included things like turning the catholics into protestants.

These are some of the things he and other things in the Tudor period changed:

  • Many Catholics changed into protestants because people like Martin Luther started to convince people to focus more on religion than wealth because they believed religion mattered more.
  • At first, Henry was a catholic himself, however, when the pope did not let him divorce catherine of aragon, hanry declared himself the new supreme head of a new church of England and became a protestant. this convinced his people to bcome protestants too.
  • Church's were now much simpler.
  • Preist were given less privaledges.
  • People were allowed to divorce.

he was still fat though

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13y ago

Anglican Catholic Answer!

There was no religious change in England, what the Church and Henry had at the beginning of the reformation , it remained at the end. [We're not talking about money obviously!]

There were differences. There was in 1054 a split in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Since then there had been signs of the separation deepening.

In the West the Church had become highly centralised , authority had become concentrated in the hands of a comparitive few people in Rome, the Bench of Cardinals and the Bishop of Rome! The College of Bishops were , [ for the most part,] ciphers. The faith had received additions and scripture had been misused. This was one of the reasons for the reformation.

In the East, authority was seen to rest with the Bishops through the authority of the

Seven Ecumenical Councils . Every Bishop was his own man and authority remained with the individuals to be used collectively!

But in the West, for some three hundred years there had been unrest, centralisation was queried and people looked askance at the changes. Several Latin Councils had been held, Popes had been sacked and imprisoned, others had run away. There was change in the air!

When the English Church and Henry told the Bishop of Rome that he had no authority in England and he was going against the authority. They were merely returning to the ancient orthodoxy of the first Millenium, before the split between East and West.

Neither Henry nor the Church of England changed their religion, they simply put their Catholicity on a more orthodox path. Fortunately for us, when the Pope called the Council of Trent, he only invited his supporters and Henry and the Anglican Church were left out. We remained Orthodox Catholics. The popes supporters slipped in to unorthodox measures and ideas. Henry didn't change the religion, but saved it!

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13y ago

He started the Church of England, with himself as its head, thus raising official state sponsored Protestant opposition (competition?) to the Roman Catholic Church. By making his church Protestant, Henry also helped to legitimize the fledgling Protestant movement in Germany and the rest of continental Europe.
he was a protestant so he was against catholics but he was not a strong protestant he just became one in order to divorce catherine of aragon he was a protestant so he was against catholics but he was not a strong protestant he just became one in order to divorce catherine of aragon

Anglican Catholic Church!

Henry didn't make any alterations to our religion, we remained Catholic as we had been for best part of 1500 yrs.
What Henry did do was to take part in an argument that had rolled on since about 350AD, as to who held the authority in the Catholic Church! Was it the Bishops in Scripture as we are shown in The Bible or was it Rome through the new additions to the faith?

In 1054, AD, the Eastern Church had been forced out on this question and since then the Western Church had been racked with doubt, holding General Councils about every few years. What Henry did was to point out that the Canons of the Church had said clearly that no bishop had the right to interfere in another bishop's see, this caused resentment on Rome's part and the pope caused Henry to be cut off from communion!

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13y ago

king Henry changed his religion, by making a new type of church. he did it because, the catholic church wouldn'tt let him divorce his wife

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