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he could fight with another regiment

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Q: Henry decided that in spite of the fact that he was separated from his regiment he could do what?
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Henry decided that the in spite of the fact that he was separated from his regiment he could do what?

he could fight with another regiment

When Henry's regiment was fighting what did one of the soldiers try to do in the Red Badge of Courage?

he could fight with another regiment

Who commands a regiment?

A regiment is commanded by a colonel. A regiment could be divided into two battalions, or from eight to ten companies.

Why did King Henry VIII separate England from Catholicism?

Catholicism doesn't believe in divorce. When he asked the pope if he could get a divorce the pope said no so king Henry got mad and separated England from catholisim

Which of the following is trueThe war ended before Henry could fight another battle.Henry's confidence grew stronger.Wilson died from pneumonia.Henry decided to desert the war effort, and he returned home?

Henry's confidence grew stronger.

Who was involved in the break of the catholic church in England?

King Henry VIII separated the English Church from the Catholic Church when the pope refused to grant King Henry a divorce. By forming a separate church, of which he was the head, he could grant himself a divorce.

How many companies did a infantry regiment have in 1976?

By 1976, regiments were no longer standing formations in the Army, and were retained more for the purpose of lineage. How many companies a regiment had depended on how many battalions of the regiment were still standing.. it could be one, it could be more. It also depended on how those battalions were structured.

Could salt be separated?

From what

How did anne bolelyn help bring protestantism to England?

Ann Boleyn helped bring protestantism to England by falling in love with Henry the 8th. Henry wanted a divorce from his wife so he could marry Ann Boleyn, so he separated the English church from Rome.

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Slave ownership in territories could be decided by popular sovereignty

How and why Henry VIII changed England and made it an Anglican nation?

He separated from the Catholic Church because he wanted a divorce fro Catherine of Aregon to marry Anne Boleyn, , however the Catholic Church did not allow divorce , that is the reason that the Church separated and became the Anglican Church of England.

How could rice and flour be separated?

In a sieve.