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exaples of high ordered goodds would be furniture, heath care centers, malls, electrial goods, ect. examples of low orded goods would be bread, hairstylist, newspapers, schools, ect.

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Q: Give example of High-order goods and services and low order goods and services?
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An example of land would be the fields that farmers use to grow goods on, or the land the is used to make factories on top of in order to produce other goods and services.

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Internet purchasing is the buying of goods and services from the internet for example the sale of items by persons on ebay and In order for the sales to be confirmed there must be an offer to the offeree.

What is the definition of order letter?

The letters which contain a formal request for the supply of goods and services are termed as ORDER LETTERS.

What must business provide to consumers in order to satisfy their wants and needs?

goods and services

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Goods and services that must be present in order to use core product

Middle-order goods and services?

Middle-order goods and services are products that are used to create other products or services but are not the final consumer goods. They are typically purchased by businesses for further production or resale. Examples include raw materials, components, machinery, and technology.

What is an organizational buyer?

Businesses, government agencies, and other institutions buy products and services to maintain their organizations and achieve their organizational objectives. Organizational buyers buy goods and services in order to produce other goods and services for sale.

How Goods Services are produced?

goods and services in a market economy should be produced by labor. capital is needed so that physical products are produced by labor. capital tends to make labor more productive. in order to makes products land is needed to create for labor. labor is used to create capital on land to produce wealth.

Who are the four largest importers of the US goods and services?

in order Canada, Mexico, China, and Japan

Why were houses in early villages built so close together?

Because they are low-order goods and services

What is a con to bartering?

Bartering is the exchange of goods or services for other goods or services, without money. E.g. I will cut your hair if you give me two books.There are three major negative aspects or "cons" to this.Insufficient Goods/Services: The first major problem is if one party does not have sufficient goods/services to satisfy the other person. For example, If I want three books in order to cut your hair, but you only have two books, even though you have other goods, you will not be able to conclude the deal with me to have me cut your hair.Undesired Goods/Services: The second major problem is if one party does not want what the other party can provide. For example, let's say that you are a cheese producer, but I am lactose intolerant. As much as you might want my haircut, your goods will never satisfy me and I will not barter with you.Price Fluctuations: Since there are no stable prices in a barter economy, the relative costs of items can change in a much more volatile way than they do when a nominal price is attached. For example, a haircut might be worth two books today, three books tomorrow, and one book the day after that depending on how I feel.