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Q: Examine the rise of women as major world leaders include golda meir indira gandhi and Margaret thatcher?
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What a similarity between Margaret thatcher and Ronald Reagan?

They were both strong leaders.

Important leaders of Great Britain?

Margaret Thatcher Tony Blair Queen Elizabeth Prince Charles

What is the Special name of Margaret Thatcher?

'The Iron Lady'- which is what she was called by other world leaders. OR 'MT'- standing for Margaret Thatcher, obviously. Other people would of called her 'Maggie' and all sorts but, her special one is 'The Iron Lady'.

Can you prove that women should not be leaders?

No. Because clearly they can e.g. Benazir Bhutto, Margaret Thatcher, Boadicea, Joan of Arc etc.

What are three similarities between Queen Elizabeth and Margaret Thatcher?

Both were Cold War political leaders who advocated increased military spending.

Was Margaret thatcher sacked of prime minister?

no she was not sacked she had to resign because a member of her political party became leader and only leaders can be prime ministers

What female world leaders have attended Oxford University?

Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the UK from 1979-1990, and Indira Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister, both studied at Somerville College, Oxford. Benazir Bhutto was at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford.

What were key political and social events of the 1980s?

Key political and social events of the 1980s include the Cold War tensions between the US and the Soviet Union, the rise of conservative leaders like Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, the AIDS crisis, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the emergence of the personal computer and digital technology.

Who were the political leaders of England during the Falkland war?

At the time of the Falklands War in 1982 Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, she served as PM from May 1979 until 1990 when she resigned and was succeeded by John Major.

Who were the political leaders of the countries involved in the Falkland war?

The Falklands war involved the United Kingdom and Argentina. The Prime Minister of the UK was Margaret Thatcher and the Dictator of Argentina was General Galteiri. The aftermath of the war had political consequences in both countries with General Galiteiri being removed from power after Argentina's loss and Margaret Thatcher (who was fairly unpopular before the war) going onto receiving a landslide victory in the 1983 general election.

Who are 3 present day leaders?

Margret Thatcher, barrack Obama and queen Elizabeth II are three good leaders

Famous politics person in United Kingdom?

Current political party leaders: David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg. Recent prime ministers: Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, John Major, Margaret Thatcher. To name very few. There are hundreds more.