Homeowners insurance does not have liability coverage for your job occupation. You can obtain contractors insurance for liability coverage.
Presuming that you have obtained licence for acting as an agent or broker, there is no harm or legal bar in getting insurance policy in your name.
Carmen Palumbo is the blonde actress who plays in the general insurance commercials. Carmen Palumbo does a little of acting, modeling and hosting.
acting, is acting, I am acting, he/she is acting, they are acting
Usually it is the driver, there may be some liability if the car was in a state of disrepair or he was acting on your instructions.
good acting and bad acting
acting head
Flo, the Progressive Insurance Lady, is played by actress Stephanie Courtney. Courtney currently resides in LA with her husband where she is busy with her various acting roles.
Impromptu acting is acting at the spur of the moment.
Medieval acting was similar to acting today.
Due diligence and insurance... or don't do business with that party.