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Q: Does Queen Elizabeth drive without a license?
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Does the Queen of England have a driver's license?

Although the Queen does from time to time drive a vehicle, and in fact learnt to drive ambulances as a motor mechanic during the second world war, she is not in fact required to hold a driver's license, since the roads are fundamentally the Queen's highways.Note from a pedantHer Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The title "Queen (or King) of England" has not existed for over 300 years.She acted as mechanic in the second world war and she can drive. She does not have a license though, since they are handed out in her name.

Does the queen of England drive without a driver's license?

The Queen is not legally required to carry a driving license as she is not implicated in the Road Traffic Act or Motor Vehicle Driving Regulations. The Queen learned to drive at the age of 19 while serving with the Auxiliary Territorial Service during the war. She learned to drive in 1945 when she joined the Army, and has never held a drivers license, despite driving an ambulance in WWII.

Does the queen need a drivers license to drive?

No, the Queen is not legally required to own a driver's licence to drive.

Can an immigrant drive without a license?

No, in America they can not. You cannot ever legally drive without a license in America.

Can you drive without your license even though you passed the driving test?

You will get a ticket if you drive without your License in your possession.

What can you drive in Colorado without a license?

What can I drive in Colorado without a lience

Drive your car without a license?

No! It is illegal to drive a car without a licence.

What kind of documents are needed to drive without a License?

You cannot drive without a license at all it is completley illegal under all cercumstances

Can you drive a car without a driver's license?

Yes, you can drive a car without a drivers license but unless you in driver's training it's illegal

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Can you drive a 50 cc scooter in Texas without a drivers license

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