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no..but yes, i'm not so sure myself,how about you?what do you think?

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Q: Does Philippines has a good governance?
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What is bad governance in the Philippines?


How was the transition of governance from the Spaniards made possible in the Philippines?

i answer no!!

History of politics and governance in the Philippines?

Philippines, better know as filipinas, was a New Spanish colony,and they did what we told them to do, until we left Spain and they stayed a Spanish colony with Cuba, until the Americans decided to take that away from Spain.

How was the transition of governance from Spaniards to Americans made possible in the Philippines?

i answer no!!

What is the role of campus journalism in promoting good governance in the Philippines?

Campus journalism plays a crucial role in promoting good governance in the Philippines by raising awareness, providing critical analysis of government policies and actions, and holding authorities accountable. Through objective reporting and investigative journalism, campus journalists can empower the youth to participate in governance and advocate for transparency and accountability in public institutions.

What is the impact of corporate governance on company performance?

Good governance, good performance Poor governance, poor performance

When was Campaign for Good Governance created?

Campaign for Good Governance was created in 1996.

When did Good Governance Party end?

Good Governance Party ended in 1998.

Who are the actors in governance and how does good governance promote development?


When was Exercise Franchise For Good Governance created?

Exercise Franchise For Good Governance was created in 2007.

When was Good Governance Party created?

Good Governance Party was created on 1998-01-23.

What are difference between democratic governance and good governance?

difference between good governac and democracy