Nelson Mandela married to Evelyn Ntoko Mase from 5 October 1944 to 19 March 1958 Nelson Mandela married to Winnie Madikizela from 14 June 1958 to 19 March 1996 Yes, Nelson Mandela married to Graça Machel in 18 July 1998
Nelson Mandela is still alive and is 91 years old
Nelson Mandela`s father had 4 wives. Nosekeni Mandela (Nelson`s mother) was the 3rd wife.
Nelson Mandela was born to his father's third wife, Nosekeni Fanny.
No Nelson Mandela is no longer president of S.A
Nelson Mandela was born in 1918 and is still alive.
Nelson Mandela was married 3 times his first wife's name was Evelyn Ntoko Mase. The second was Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, and the third was Garca Machel who is still currently married to him today.
Nelson "I'm not Mary" Mandela has been married three time. His present wife is Graça Machel, whom he married in 1998. Before that, he was married to Winnie Madikizela (1957-1996), who was his second wife. Mandela's first wife was Evelyn Ntoko Mase (1944-1957).
Winnie Mandela (his 2nd wife)
nelson Mandela is not still married. he is ingaed to a 28 year old and is getting married in 2012
Nelson Mandela marries his third wife a widow. Her name is Graca Machel.
winnie mandela was nelson mandelea's wife in the past.