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well, it was mostly tradeau

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Q: Did sir john a MacDonald make the charter of rights and freedoms?
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Which Prime Minister from Saskatchewan is responsible for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Saskatchewan's John Diefenbaker, Canada's Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963, was responsible for the Bill of Rights, which turned out to be a rather toothless piece of legislation. Pierre Elliot Trudeau is the Prime Minister responsible for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is enshrined in Canada's Constitution.

How did the provinces in Canada get started?

By sir John A. Macdonald He had the leaders of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick sign The British North America Act on July 1st 1867. This was the begining of Confederation. Check google for whi joined next and why, and the charter of rights and freedoms

Who was the leader who sponsored the charter of rights and freedom?

john a mocdonald

What has the author John H Garvey written?

John H. Garvey has written: 'What Are Freedoms For?' -- subject(s): Civil rights, Liberty

What is sir John a MacDonald's name?

John Alexander MacDonald

What were john a macdonalds childrens names?

Huge John Macdonald Margaret Mary Theodora Macdonald John alexander Macdonald JR

Why was the charter of rights and freedoms created?

Because they did not want certain kings to have too much power over people, like serfs could not be punished, etc. A little more info! In the year 1215 there was a king name John. In short he was an evil guy. He capture and killed his people for no reason. Also he had a habit of throwing people in jail and forgetting about them unless they paid a fee. Eventually the Dukes (and all the other nobility... which I can't name) forced him to agree the a set of rules (known as the Charter) to how the people could and had to be treated. King John couldn't disagree because he had no support. And thus agreed to sign the Chart. The main difference was that the rights of the citizen were written down making them official.

What is Sir John A MacDonald's real name?

John Alexander MacDonald

What do you think john reactions to the magna carta would have been?

It was a charter granted by King John in1215 to guarantee human rights against the use of royal power and reaffirm church rights.

What is John A. Macdonald's birthday?

John A. Macdonald was born on January 11, 1815.

When was John B. Macdonald born?

John B. Macdonald was born in 1918.

When was CCGS John A. Macdonald created?

CCGS John A. Macdonald was created in 1960.