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Lots of decisions!

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one is that she chose the capital of Canada

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Q: Did Queen Victoria make any important decisions?
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What weaknesses did queen elizabeth have?

she had a bad temper and found it hard to make important decisions.

Did Mary queen of Scots make any good decisions?

no she did not make good decisions

Who died to make Queen Victoria queen?

Her uncle, King William IV.

What decisions and laws does the queen make?

she is the supreme power in the judiciary

Why did David living stone name Victoria Falls after queen Victoria?

David Livingstone was from the country of England, and therefore to horor his queen and therefore his country, he named the falls for Queen Victoria. Make sense? It would be like an American making a discovery of an island or something of the sort and naming it for their president, spouse, or another important person in thier life whom they honor and respect.

Why did Queen Victoria make rules?

To keep the country under control.

Is Queen Elizabeth II letting Jamaica become a republic?

The Queen can't make political decisions in Jamaica. It is a democracy, but she cannot decide that. The Government makes the decisions.

Who makes the important decisions in book's society the giver?

The group of elders make the important decisions

What material was used to make Queen Victoria Building?

Sandstone and reinforced concrete

Did Queen Elizabeth make the big decisions and laws?

why yes, yes she did

Why did David living stone name the falls after Queen Victoria?

David Livingstone was from the country of England, and therefore to horor his queen and therefore his country, he named the falls for Queen Victoria. Make sense? It would be like an American making a discovery of an island or something of the sort and naming it for their president, spouse, or another important person in thier life whom they honor and respect.

Why do authors write about important decisions?

Decisions can shape your life. A book can influence your decisions to make them better.